Hustlers University 1.0


If you want to learn about business...


You are about to save a bunch of time.

This knowledge took me over a decade of sleepless nights to acquire.

You want real, no-BS strategies that cut through the noise and deliver results.


When I pass away, I want to be remembered as someone who helped society.

Let's work together! Quid pro quo

You Will Learn...

  • People will say about you: "That guy knows how to make money".
  • How to Start a Business TODAY for $0: Get cash now!
  • The Power of Speed: Why being fast is the ultimate weapon in today's cut-throat market.
  • Why Money In, and Not Money Out: Prioritize cash flow with this sophisticated accounting trick that every CPA agrees with.
  • The Staff Equation: Build a loyal, high-performing team that makes you money or saves you time.
  • Don't Get Legal Until You Get Rich: Laugh at the clueless idiots on "Shark Tank" and "Dragons Den" who only "feel" like they have a business because they wasted money registering intellectual property.
  • How to Use What You Got: How to get work done with FREE employees.
  • How to Overthrow Competition: Learn what multi-billion dollar companies wish they knew about how to destroy competition.


This course is raw, unfiltered, and not for the faint of heart!

I don't want to waste your time with stupid copywrite.

"You will master the secrets to writing a course description that attracts customers who buy AS SEEN ON TV products."

You Will NOT Learn...

  • How to Choose
  • Building a "Lifestyle Business": The emphasis is on rapid growth and profit, not a slow-and-steady, work-life balance approach.
  • Seeking Investment: The course emphasizes bootstrapping and using existing resources, not pitching investors or seeking external funding.

Most people will tell you they want to make money,
but they don't want to stop for a moment to understand the law:
The only people who make money work at the Mint. The rest of us must earn money.
Only way to earn money is by providing people, with services and products that are needed and useful.
And selling is the worlds highest paid profession.
There is no one in the world with a future


Lesson 1: Speed

  • This is the most important lesson in this course!
  • everything must be done quickly while maintaining quality.
  • Speed is important for getting things online and making money faster.
  • The faster you produce, the faster you get results.
  • Don't conflate speed with quality; you can do things quickly and well.
  • Getting things done early, creates time to get the next thing done sooner.
  • Always be moving forward.
  • Always be producing content.

Lesson 2: A Business Is Money In

  • Focus on making money, not spending it at the start.
  • Prioritize getting money in before fulfilling orders.
  • Don't get caught up in vanity metrics like logos and offices before generating revenue.

Lesson 3: Start Ideas for Free

  • You can start businesses cheaply by prioritizing money in.
  • Test the viability of your business plan before heavy investment.
  • Reinvest profits to build your company from the ground up.
  • never spends more than $5,000 launching a company.

Lesson 4: Staff: Family and Friends

  • Utilize young family and friends who are tech-savvy and have time.
  • They have less to lose and are often more motivated.
  • You can offer them equity and mentorship in exchange for their work.

Lesson 5: Command Respect

  • Physical presence and discipline command respect in business.
  • People trust those who are fit and assertive.
  • Investing in your physical appearance will make your words have more weight.

Lesson 6: Resell to Existing Customers

  • The easiest sales come from existing customers.
  • Upsell them on additional products or services.
  • Use email campaigns to re-engage past buyers.

Lesson 7: Don't Get Legal Before You Get Rich

  • Prioritize proving the viability of your business before legal formalities.
  • Focus on generating revenue before worrying about taxes and accountants.
  • Don't spend money on legal entities until your business is generating cash.

Lesson 8: Use What You Got

  • Identify your existing resources: people, skills, assets.
  • Find ways to leverage them to start a business without spending much.
  • Utilize your network, skills, and possessions to generate income.

Lesson 9: Staff Objectives

  • Staff should either make you money or save you time.
  • Regularly audit your staff's performance based on these criteria.
  • Be ruthless in firing those who are not adding value.

Lesson 10: You Can't Fuck Up If You Don't Spend Money

  • Avoid investing large sums at the beginning of your business.
  • Minimize expenses and only spend on things that directly generate more revenue.
  • Being broke is liberating because you have less to lose.

Lesson 11: Outsource Cheaply

  • Utilize students or freelancers on platforms like Fiverr.
  • Avoid hiring companies whenever possible, as they are more expensive and less focused on your success.
  • Build a team of individuals you can trust and who have a vested interest in your success.

Lesson 12: Businesses Won't Last Forever

  • Get rich quickly and prioritize yourself over the business.
  • Don't be afraid to take profits and secure your financial well-being.
  • No business lasts forever, so make sure you benefit while it's running.

Lesson 13: Reputation Control

  • Do more good than bad to maintain a positive reputation.
  • Respond to criticism and address complaints directly.
  • Don't ignore negative feedback; engage with it to prevent further damage.

Lesson 14: Always Think About Money

  • Analyze every business you interact with, identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Train your mind to see opportunities and potential improvements.
  • Use this knowledge to inform your own business decisions.

Lesson 15: Identify Ways to Improve Your Job

  • If you're employed, find ways to do your job better and more efficiently.
  • Negotiate for rewards or incentives based on your improvements.
  • Use downtime at your job to work on your side hustle.

Lesson 16: Don't Compete on Price

  • Sell on brand, quality, and reputation, not price.
  • Don't undervalue your product or services; aim for a premium price point.
  • Building a strong brand will allow you to charge more and attract better customers.

Lesson 17: Shut Up and Listen

  • Learn from people who are making money, even if they're in different industries.
  • Listen more than you talk, especially when interacting with successful individuals.
  • Absorb knowledge and adapt it to your own business.

Lesson 18: Attention Is Free Advertising

  • Find ways to get attention for your business, even if it's unconventional.
  • Don't be afraid to be bold and creative to stand out.
  • Attention is the currency of the modern world; leverage it to your advantage.

Lesson 19: Play on People's Insecurities

  • Identify what people want and are insecure about.
  • Position your product or service as a solution to their problems and desires.
  • Sell the result, not just the features of your product.

Lesson 20: Network Is Everything

  • Surround yourself with people who are hustling and thinking about money.
  • Build a network of like-minded individuals who can support and challenge you.
  • Losers roll with losers; winners roll with winners.

Lesson 21: Keep Your Panties Dry Till the Big Gun Hard

  • Don't get overly excited about money or potential deals.
  • Stay calm, professional, and focused on the next step.
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch; celebrate success when the money is in the bank.

Lesson 22: Send People Their Money Back

  • Build trust by offering refunds or delaying purchases strategically.
  • Use this tactic to create a sense of obligation and increase future sales.
  • People are more likely to spend more when they feel you've gone the extra mile.

Lesson 23: Hard Close

  • Don't be afraid to push for a decision; close deals aggressively.
  • A definite sale is better than a potential maybe.
  • Give clear deadlines and create a sense of urgency.

Lesson 24: It Ain't Real Till They Pay

  • Don't count your money until it's in the bank.
  • Contracts and verbal agreements are not guarantees of payment.
  • Celebrate success only when you have received the funds.

Lesson 25: Stress Tolerance

  • Success in business requires a high tolerance for stress.
  • Learn to care mentally but not emotionally; stay calm under pressure.
  • The more stress you can handle, the more successful you can become.

Lesson 26: Sell the Need, Not the Product

  • Focus on the problem your product solves and the benefits it provides.
  • Convince people they need what you're selling, even if they don't realize it yet.
  • Identify the need and make it clear how your product satisfies it.

Lesson 27: Contracts Aren't Real

  • Don't rely heavily on contracts; they can be time-consuming and expensive to enforce.
  • Focus on building trust and mutual interest with your partners and clients.
  • Legality is slow; prioritize speed and cash flow over legal formalities.

Lesson 28: Ensure Mutual Need in Partnerships

  • Make sure your partners need you, and you need them, for the business to succeed.
  • If there's no mutual need, consider going solo or finding a loyal second-in-command.
  • Avoid partnerships where one party becomes dispensable.

Lesson 29: Every Purchase Is an Impulse Purchase

  • Even considered purchases have an element of impulsivity at the moment of decision.
  • Use tactics that trigger impulse buying, such as scarcity and urgency.
  • Understand the psychology of impulse buying to increase your sales.

Lesson 30: Promise a Future

  • Sell clients on the long-term benefits and future possibilities of your product or service.
  • By preempting the future, you make the present sale more appealing.
  • Paint a picture of a brighter future that they can achieve with your help.

Lesson 31: Businesses Won't Last Forever (Repeat)


Lesson 32: Reputation Control (Repeat)


Lesson 33: You Can't Fuck Up If You Don't Spend Money (Repeat)


Lesson 34: Staff: Family and Friends (Repeat)


Lesson 35: Burnout Ain't Real

  • Don't use burnout as an excuse for laziness.
  • Work hard and rest only when you've earned it.
  • If you're not rich yet, you haven't worked hard enough to experience burnout.

Lesson 36: You're Never Tired When You're Winning

  • Motivation comes from success; making money will energize you.
  • If you're struggling with motivation, it's because you're not winning yet.
  • Push harder during the tough times; the rewards will fuel your drive.

Lesson 37: Staff Objectives (Repeat)


Lesson 38: Nobody Is Broke

  • People who say they can't afford it are simply prioritizing other purchases.
  • Make your offer more appealing than their current spending habits.
  • Convince them that your product will lead to more money, food, or satisfaction in the long run.

Lesson 39: Nothing Ever Fixes Itself

  • Don't wait for problems to resolve themselves; take immediate action.
  • Be proactive in identifying and addressing issues in your business.
  • Speed is key to fixing problems and minimizing losses.

Lesson 40: Never Say No to Money

  • Accept payment in any form, even if it's unconventional.
  • Make it easy for people to give you money; don't limit your payment options.
  • Find ways to convert non-traditional payments into cash.

Lesson 41: Diversify to Become Antifragile

  • Don't rely on a single bank account, payment processor, or advertising platform.
  • Diversify your income streams and online presence to protect yourself from attacks and bans.
  • Being antifragile means being able to thrive in the face of chaos.

Lesson 42: Put Yourself on as Many Grids as Possible

  • Don't try to go off-grid; instead, diversify your legal identity and financial footprint.
  • Obtain multiple passports, driver's licenses, and bank accounts in different countries.
  • This will make you less vulnerable to government control and restrictions.

Lesson 43: Your Staff Don't Work Hard

  • As the boss, you should always be working the hardest.
  • Don't assume your staff are putting in 100% effort; push them to do more.
  • Most companies are inefficient; optimize your team by demanding high performance.

Lesson 44: Burnout Ain't Real (Repeat)


Lesson 45: You're Never Tired When You're Winning (Repeat)


Lesson 46: Special Forces Over Army, Loyalty Over Smarts

  • Build a small team of loyal and highly skilled individuals.
  • Prioritize loyalty over intelligence or experience; you can train for skills, but not for loyalty.
  • A small, dedicated team is more effective than a large, unmotivated one.

Lesson 47: Something Is Better Than Nothing

  • Always be taking action; doing something, even if imperfect, is better than doing nothing.
  • Don't wait for the perfect plan; start executing and adjust as you go.
  • Constant activity will lead to more opportunities and faster progress.

Lesson 48: Mystery Sales

  • Create curiosity about your product or service; don't reveal everything upfront.
  • Use intrigue and exclusivity to make people want to know more.
  • Curiosity is a powerful motivator for purchases.

Lesson 49: Always Take Credit

  • Take credit for your successes, even if there was an element of luck involved.
  • Own your failures, but don't dwell on them; focus on the next win.
  • People are attracted to those who seem to have a winning formula.

Lesson 50: Loyalty Is Everything (Repeat)


Lesson 51: Feed Yourself First

  • Don't be afraid to take profits from your business and secure your financial well-being.
  • Don't prioritize the company over your personal financial security.
  • Look after yourself first; the business is a means to an end.

Lesson 52: Debt Isn't Always Real

  • Don't be overly concerned about debt, especially if you're generating consistent revenue.
  • Debt collection takes time; prioritize cash flow and negotiate settlements when necessary.
  • Don't let debt cripple your business; leverage it strategically to grow.

Lesson 53: Don't Pay Unless You Have To

  • Manage your reputation, but don't be afraid to delay payments or negotiate if it benefits your business.
  • Prioritize your financial needs; don't be a pushover for aggressive creditors.
  • Assess the impact on your reputation before making payment decisions.

Lesson 54: HR Is Bullshit

  • Lead by example and create a positive work environment.
  • Don't rely on traditional HR practices; motivate through leadership and incentives.
  • Positive energy and a strong culture are more effective than bureaucratic rules.

Lesson 55: How You Sell Is More Important Than What You Sell

  • Focus on developing effective sales and marketing strategies.
  • You can sell anything if you know how to market it effectively.
  • Identify your strengths and find a way to provide a product or service that aligns with them.

Lesson 56: Play to People's Strengths

  • Identify and leverage the strengths of your staff, clients, and competitors.
  • Exploit weaknesses to gain an advantage in negotiations and business deals.
  • Play to your strengths and outsource your weaknesses.

Lesson 57: Satisfy an Immediate Need

  • Focus on the immediate benefits your product or service provides.
  • Don't rely on long-term promises; create a sense of urgency and immediate value.
  • Identify the client's immediate pain points and position your offering as the solution.

Lesson 58: Don't Assume Work

  • Verify that tasks are completed; don't assume things are done without proof.
  • Check on your staff's progress regularly and hold them accountable.
  • If you didn't see it, it didn't happen.

Lesson 59: Everybody Loves a Winner

  • Project confidence and success; never admit weakness or struggle to clients.
  • People are attracted to those who are winning; exude an aura of competence and prosperity.
  • Never show your cards; always maintain a facade of strength and optimism.

Lesson 60: Steal Ideas

  • Keep an eye on your competitors and borrow their successful strategies.
  • Implement their ideas quickly and efficiently, leveraging your own strengths.
  • Stealing ideas and executing them better can give you a competitive advantage.

Lesson 61: Money and Business Are Your Life

  • Integrate your business into every aspect of your life; always be hustling.
  • Combine work and pleasure; find opportunities to network and make money while enjoying yourself.
  • Never turn off your money-making mindset.

Lesson 62: Develop a Phone Addiction

  • Use your phone as a tool for productivity and money-making.
  • Delete unproductive apps and prioritize those that can generate income.
  • Embrace constant connectivity and use your phone to find opportunities and execute tasks.

Lesson 63: Nothing Is Too Good to Be True

  • Believe in your product and sell it with absolute confidence.
  • Don't be afraid to make bold claims and promise exceptional results.
  • Speak success into existence; believe in your offering, and others will too.

Lesson 64: Spot Bullshitters

  • Be skeptical of those who claim to be successful without evidence.
  • Use critical thinking to identify lies and exaggerations.
  • Don't be afraid to call people out on their bullshit.

Lesson 65: Ask "Why?"

  • Understand why people buy from you; ask your customers for their reasons.
  • Identify the key motivators for purchases to improve your marketing and sales strategies.
  • The "why" is more important than the "what" when it comes to selling.

Lesson 66: Everything Is a Sell

  • Look for opportunities to sell in every interaction.
  • Turn challenges into sales opportunities by showcasing your problem-solving skills.
  • Create a perception of value and service by "selling" even the smallest tasks.

Lesson 67: Take Every Offer Seriously

  • Listen to every pitch, even if you have no intention of buying.
  • Use these opportunities to learn new tactics and gain valuable insights.
  • Don't dismiss offers out of hand; you never know where the next opportunity might come from.

Lesson 68: You Don't Have to Understand It to Make Money

  • Don't get bogged down in technical details; focus on the fundamentals of business.
  • Hire experts to handle the areas you don't understand.
  • Prioritize making money over becoming an expert in every aspect of your business.

Lesson 69: Forget Politics

  • Politics is a distraction; focus on building your business and making money.
  • Don't waste energy on political debates; your success is determined by your actions, not the political climate.
  • Politics matters only when you're wealthy enough to influence it.

Lesson 70: Famoose the Goose

  • Take advantage of opportunities to make money, even if it means being aggressive or unconventional.
  • Don't let potential future earnings stop you from securing profits today.
  • Be willing to "famoose" (take advantage of) those who are willing to be "famoosed."

Lesson 71: Always Sharpen Your Tools

  • Continuously improve your skills, strategies, and processes.
  • Don't become complacent; stay ahead of the competition by refining your methods.
  • Sharpen your tools to ensure you're always operating at peak performance.

Lesson 72: Create Problems and Instantly Solve Them

  • Identify problems your target audience has, even if they're not aware of them.
  • Position your product or service as the solution to their problems.
  • Selling on problems creates a sense of urgency and need.

Lesson 73: Make People Feel Happy and Important

  • Go the extra mile to make your customers feel valued and appreciated.
  • Create a sense of exclusivity and prestige around your brand.
  • Happy and important customers are loyal customers.


  • Internalize these lessons and apply them to your business.
  • Watch this course multiple times to fully grasp the concepts.
  • Get ready for the upcoming tasks and challenges.